Author / ippdr

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  • Private Sector’s Role in Achieving the 2030 Agenda

     Human rights advocates typically use moral arguments to advance the belief that “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights” (United Nations, 1948, Art. 1)[1]. Yet, human rights advocates’ ability to effectively inspire universal respect for international agendas, like the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), through moral rhetoric assumes that: (a) individuals/corporations…

    The Role of Sustainable Development for Human Rights

    Presently, NHRIs are completely consistent with global requirements in 79 of the 193 United Nations Member States (39%). Since 2015, 7 countries got reached this goal. NHRIs in a variety of other Member Countries are attempting to achieve certification. By 2030, hardly 54% of countries will have these vital organizations, based on current trends. This is insufficient to…

  • Book: Sustainable Development Diplomacy by Andrise Bass

    The planet on which we currently reside has been and continues to be damaged in several ways, reducing its viability. Numerous variables, including a lack of educational opportunities, a secure environment, political and economic stability, etc., are to blame. We now need long-term and sustainable development to protect ourselves, the earth, and our future generations.…