Category / Data / Freedom / Geopolitics / Human rights / Peace / Peacebuilding / Public Policy and Diplomacy / Sustainable Development / Technology / Women / Youth
The Role of Data in Global Security: Enhancing Peacebuilding and Stability
Global security challenges such as terrorism, organized crime, and cyber threats necessitate cooperation across international boundaries due to their interconnected nature. Data is essential for enhancing international collaboration as it enables the exchange of information between countries and organizations.
Vision In a rapidly evolving world where peace and security are challenged, consequences of climate change visible, and inequality growing, individuals, communities, and nations must coexist harmoniously. For peace to be a living reality, together we must act to embrace diversity, addressing differences through dialogue, and creating an environment conducive to achieving human security. Mission…
Envisioning Worldwide Unity and the Youth’s Contribution to Building a Lasting Future
Envision a world devoid of conflict, hardship, or pain – a world where every person can move without restraint, start a family, seek knowledge, create enterprises, and live with honor. However, peace encompasses more than just the lack of conflict; it is a crucial element for the prosperity, economic growth, and thriving of societies. Genuine…